Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Guthrie Theatre - Wurtele Thrust Stage

Type) Thrust
Level) Regional

1) They have put on such shows as Julius Caesar, Charley's Aunt, A Christmas Carol, Reasons to be Pretty, Much Ado About Nothing, The Winter's Tale.

2a. The space is used to bring the audience very close to the stage. This stage also performs many Shakespearean plays and the thrust stage was a style that many Elizabethan plays were performed on. 
2b. You can see the thrust element of having one solid side in these pictures. Because of the nature of the type of stage there is not really fly space but the ceiling can actually be part of the set as seen in the second picture.
3a. Just from the two different types of photos it is clear that the Guthrie puts on all different types of production from classical to new types of shows. They perform farces, dreamas, and many different kinds of Shakespearean plays.
3b. The productions seem to be very similar to the mission statement of the theatre because they truly do all different types of shows.
4. I have learned that this stage loves to put on Shakespeare shows. This is a wonderful use of their thrust stage because as the text mentions the stages of Shakespeare were very similar to thrust stages. They also mix classics with new works which makes this theatre see all different types of theatre, which I respect. I would love to see one of their yearly productions of the Christmas Carol on a snowy Minnesota day!

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