Wednesday, July 4, 2012

NYU Steinhardt

Type) All-Purpose theatre
Level) Educational

1) They have done such productions: Alice: The Looking Glass Girl, The Giver, Gross Indecency, and many New Plays.
2a) The productions definitely utilize many different styles of the Black Box theatre. These productions have abstract sets that are multi-functional. You can see that the focus is centered on the actors.
2b) You can easily see that the All purpose theatre can do any style of production and is especially great for showcases and original works.

3a) The mission statement is reflected by showing some great college level productions. You can see that the actors are learning many great skills and they perform many different new and experimental plays which is a unique educational experience for them.
3b) These productions seem to reflect the mission statement of challenging their students and having them apply their liberal arts education.
4) I learned that NYU has many different areas of theatre. I used to think of NYU only have Tisch being the only artistic school in NYU, but I was surprised to find Steinhardt. This theatre also has many award winning alumni. NYU has always been respected as a great school for theater and this great space allows these students to perform all of the amazing skills that they have learned.

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