Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Oliver Theatre

Type) Thrust Stage
Level) World Theatre

1) They have done such plays: Henry V, His Dark Materials, Caroline, Much Ado About Nothing, Mother Courage and her Children, Frankenstein.
2a) It is clear that these types of shows take great advantage of being large scale productions and the audience embraces the stage and cast.
b)You can see how close the actors are to the audience with these photos. This is one of the desirable qualities of a thrust stage.

3a) There mission statement is very true based on their productions. They love to do big shows just as the ancient Greeks did. The theatre also seems much bigger than it actually is which give a great atmosphere to the whole space.
b) The productions are everywhere from the classics to new types of shows. Whatever show they do they make use of the space by having grand productions that everyone can enjoy.
4) From the cast interviews and production photos I could not imagine how difficult it would be to share your moments when you have the audience spread out over such a large area. I love how close everyone is to the stage, I could only imagine how great it would be to perform on this stage. I guess I now have another excuse to head to England to see the great theatre there!

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